Leadership training - New to management

Ny som chef engelska


Learn how to be a manager

The purpose of the training is to guide you as a new manager in how to make the transition from employee to manager. You will gain insight into the distinctions between the roles of manager and employee and what these differences entail for your everyday tasks. You will learn to translate business objectives into actionable tasks and establish a workflow centered on achieving results.

Get to know yourself and your employees

You will gain greater insight into your own behavior and that of others and to comprehend underlying needs. This is important in order to develope capabilities to adopt a leadership style that promotes the wellbeing and productivity of your individual employees.

Said about our educator

"What distinguishes Dominique is her positive energy, great commitment and high level of professionalism. With an understanding for our business and our challenges in a broader perspective, Dominique has ensured that we have always had a real impact on our investments." -- Magnus Nilsson, Nordic Communication Director, Canon Consumer Imaging 


  • The different roles to master as a manager
  • Inventory of your personal strengths, areas for development and leaderships goals
  • The strategic framework you need clarity around to succeed in your role as manager
  • How to break down business goals to tactical objectives and how to track your progress
  • How to create an emotional secure work environment, a prerequisite for high performing team


  • Identify your employees’ different behaviours and communication styles and understand how to respond to them
  • How to create and run effective and engaging team meetings
  • Your situational leadership to achieve results.
  • Your communication tool box for performance appraisal, efficient feedback and other executive conversations
  • Reflection and development of your action plan for your accelerating leadership

During the course of the training, theory is mixed with practical exercises, group discussions and reflection to optimize learning and maximize the usefulness of the content in your daily leadership.

You will learn

During these two training days you will learn what is expected of you in the role of manager. You will:

  • have an understanding of the differences between the manager and the employee role and what it means for you in your daily work
  • know how to convert business goals into tasks and create a results-focused workflow
  • have more knowledge about your own and others' behaviours, their underlying needs and the understanding on how to meet them
  • have an increased ability to implement an adapted leadership style that ensures your individual employees wellbeing and productivity
  • have an increase skill in leadership communication that promotes motivation and efficiency in your team

Training for the new manager

This training is designed for you who are new to your role as a manager. You want both a theoretical structure and a practical guidance in order to take on your responsibility as a manager.

It is also useful for those of you who have been a manager for a while, but who have never attended management training before.

Participation fee and schedule

Cost: 11,980 SEK excluding VAT. Lunch, refreshments, and documentation are included.


This training is conducted in English.

Customized at your location

This training can also be conducted as a customized program, onsite at your location. Please contact ann-marie.johansson@hjartum.se for more information and quote.


  • Stockholm
  • 22 - 23 maj 2025
    Centralt i Stockholm, lokal meddelas senare